mon chocolat

thank you, guys...

Friday, April 30, 2004

tadi pg bawa blackforrest ke kantor just to share a little celebration of my birthday.. lucu2 euy gayanya anak2 "nyaplok" potongan2 kuenya.. hehehe..
barbarian abiisss.. itungan detik kali
thanks a bunch yah, guys.. gw udah banyak dibantu nglewatin hari2 yg cukup "heuh" kemaren2..
ngliat muka2 culun - o'on dan celetukan2 kalian tiap hari dah bikin gw senyam senyum ga abis pikir
in so many undescribe ways i have to thanks my jeeta, too..
just for being him self - my lover and partner..

You have always been there for me
to help make the wrongs right
You have always been there for me
To laugh with me, and to cry with me
You have been there to share
in my joys and disappointments
I wouldn't be who I am today
If it were not for you and your love
You are such an important part of my life
and you always will be
So thank you
For all that you are and
all that you help me to be.

all my precious..

oo iya, hari ini inten, my beloved best friend has to go to OZ continuing her master study. sedih juga siy.. ga smpet ketemu tiap sama2 ada di sby, even pas dia ke jakarta sekalipun.. hiks.. wish u luck, hun.. keep in touch yah

:: 9:13 am ::