somethin' from my friend : "huge kong nevermind"
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
: open mind, disscuss...
: kalo pendptnya kamu nggak diambil bukan berarti nggak dihargai..
: mana yg terbaik aja
: yg aku dpt sih, ngalahin "ego" laki2 itu yg berat, bisa tp butuh waktu
: compromise, simple but complicated
: perasaan masing2 pd saat mau ada compromise itu kan beda2..
: nggak bisa selalu blg, "kayak aku dong, bisa.."
: "masak kamu nggak bisa"
: manage hati jg penting
: open mind ke pasangan jg perlu
: speak up ur mind
: women.... can't believe em, but can't live without em
it's fun having some chit-chat with u in this sleepy day, nevermind..
Monday, September 15, 2003 - 6.20 PM wib alias 7.20 PM wita..
Monday, September 15, 2003
hmm.. finally..
gotcha !! lucuuu banget situasinya..
*critanya disimpen sendiri aaaahh
nyemnyemnyem.. bisa tidur (jauh lebih) nyenyak tonight..
soUnrenALinE 2003
Monday, September 08, 2003
still found my self very sleepy today.. besok aja ah critanyaaa.. oahmnymnym.. need
a little bit..
ThE organIcs FooDs sTrikes baCk !!
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
bfore u tuck into your meals, have u ever thought of what you're putting inside your mouth?
even if u are discerning eater who avoid snacks peppered
with extra sugar, salt, 'n oil; and eats only large quantities of vegetables
, fruit, fish, lean meat; which are highly recommended by nutritionists, ARe u
ReaLLy safe ?
SAD truth is that you are
NOT !! In a day and age where speed is the command-ment that most farmers swear by 'n profit the overriding objective in bussiness, much of these so-called healthy foods may not be that healthy after all..